Machines - Avante
Machines - Fusion
Sweet 16
HQ - Amara 20
HQ - Forte
HQ - Infinity 26
HQ - Moxie
HQ Moxie ST Longarm - Insight table
HQ Pro-Stitcher Simply 16 w/PS Designer
HQ Moxie XL Longarm - 10ft Loft Frame
HQ Moxie XL Longarm - Little Foot Frame
HQ Moxie XL Longarm - 8ft Loft Frame
PS Lite for Moxie XL on Little Frame
PS Lite for Moxie XL on Loft Frame
Caster St table Set of 4
Sweet 16 W/ InSight Table and SR built in
HQ PS/HQ Amara 20 - 10' HQ Studio2 Frame
PS Lite for Moxie on Little Foot Frame
PS Lite for Moxie on Loft Frame
HQ Moxie Longarm - 10ft Loft Frame
HQ PS/HQ Amara 20 - 12' HQ Studio2 Frame
HQ Simply 16 w/ 10 Foot Studio2 Frame
HQ PS/HQ Amara 20 - 5' HQ Little Foot Frame
HQ Pro-Stitcher for HQ Fusion w/PS Designer
HQ Pro-Stitcher for HQ 16 w/PS Designer
HQ Pro-Stitcher for HQ Avante w/PS Designer
HQ Pro-Stitcher for HQ Infinity w/PS Designer
HQ Pro-Stitcher for HQ Forte w/PS Designer
Groovy Board Stylus with Adapter HQ Moxie
HQ Steady-Fit Ruler Base for HQ Moxie
8-foot Moxie Longarm Quilting Frame Table Top Kit
HQ Moxie Longarm - 8ft Loft Frame
Insight table upgrade for Sweet Sixteen
HQ Capri 18 inch Stationary Longarm
HQ Infinity Longarm w/12' frame w/ Pro-Stitcher and PS Designer
$30,995.00 $32,295.00
HQ Infinity Longarm w/10' frame w/ Pro-Stitcher and PS Designer
$30,995.00 $32,490.00
Studio Frame Casters